Periodontal disease is a chronic gum condition that affects the tissues of the gums and enamel. In America, about 3 out of 5 patients are likely to be suffering from gum disease. Potential causes behind the disease could be the failure to follow regular oral hygiene habits, diabetes, infected gum tissues, etc.
Untreated gum disease may progress itself into a more severe form of the condition, otherwise known as periodontal disease. Gum disease ultimately results in loss of teeth and other health problems as well.
Gum disease is of two types: gingivitis and periodontitis.
Gingivitis appears in the form of red, swollen gums with minimum pain and discomfort. It could have resulted due to the formation of plaque and tartar in the gingival margin. Gingivitis can be treated with a dental cleaning and by following good oral hygiene at home.
A more progressed form of gum disease is periodontitis. Periodontitis occurs when disease-causing bacteria infect the tissues of the gum line leading to chronic inflammation and swelling. Signs of swelling can lead to loose gum pockets that may eventually fall out.
1. Aggressive Periodontitis
This form of gum disease could lead to the rapid destruction of the gums and the tooth's enamel.
2. Chronic Periodontitis
Chronic periodontitis could gradually lead to unstable gums, loss of teeth, and infection.
3. Necrotizing Periodontal Disease
This is a more progressed stage of periodontitis. It ultimately leads to the destruction of the gums, supporting ligaments, and deterioration of the jawbone. It is more profoundly present in patients who are malnourished and lack immunity.
The appearance of swollen or bleeding gums that don't seem to get better within two weeks would require the expertise of a specialist or periodontist. The periodontist can help the patient determine if they stand a higher chance of the chronic gum condition and advise treatment methods to cure the disease.
Taking concrete measures to ensure oral hygiene and follow regular home care can potentially help reduce the chances of developing gum disease. We advise:
Patients are also advised to inform the dentist about their present medication and prescriptions. This would help the gum specialist advise the right method of treatment.
Let's also keep in mind that following a good oral hygiene regime can also enhance and protect the patient's overall health.
Take hold of your gum condition by following regular oral care habits today.
Call Perfect Smile Dental Care, San Jose, CA, to know more. Request your appointment with us today.